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Showing posts from August, 2018

Book AfterReads: The Alchemist -Paulo Coelho

Background of Book: The book was originally written in Portuguese, first published in 1988. In 2016, it has been translated into more than 70 languages. It is also an international bestseller. About: The book is somewhat spiritual. It compels one to think about their life, their daily life, the goals they have set. It talks about the need for randomness in life. It talks about omens(a lot), which are signs of God telling one to follow that path. The book is about a shepherd, who starts low, and follows omens in his path to achieve something great in his life. He tries to do something out of his comfort zone and faces dilemma at every step, and is also guided at each step. Verdict: These are the books which makes one think about the things going on around them, to break the sameness of everyday, to do something new. This book deserves a good read!

Git is Tasty!

Had known this powerful tool of version control. Till now, GUI was helping. But now real power should be handy. Started learning git command line, because Git is Tasty!